Graphic changes have also moved in the right direction. With crisp, sleek lines, off-set with contrasting colours and a subtle sheen, the producers have made simple things like a logo's glass backdrop an aid to everything around it, even the host.
It’s nice to see that they haven't dismissed some of their classic broadcasters either, most notably Mike Toth. There's just something about his vigor and passion that makes him fun to watch. When broadcast companies turn over their anchors at a high rate you risk a disconnect with your adoring faithful. Having time to bond and grow with someone is essential in life, love, friendship and the entertainment business.
Sportsnet Connected is aiming at making this new look and layout more entertaining, and by that, I think they mean for everyone; including the fans and hosts alike. Throughout the broadcast you would constantly hear one host come out of the blue with a comment like "wow, I feel so hip and stylish now" as they were caught up in the new digs so much that their producer was probably screaming into their ear buds to stop talking about the new set and just pass along our daily dose of sports news.
The first grievance however, came when the show prepares to go to a commercial break. They have an annoying exit where they show you what's coming on after the break. This format might not sound unfamiliar because every sports news show does this, although SNC does so on their 103 inch plasma. Again, this might sound like a good idea. Well, when you're watching on your own TV, essentially what you're doing is watching a smaller screen, because your 27'' Sony Trinatron is still only 27'' no matter how big the TV is in the picture. A giddy extended exit sequence adds to the frustration, as you can only dream during that time how your high def picture should really look.
After the first break, the hosts come back with Z Zenya wardrobes designed for the modern urbanite, and have moved from their original stools to a standing position that closely resembles ET. This is a different concept for the sports news industry. We're now trying to appeal to the pop culture, band wagon jumping, technologically paparazzied generation x, y, or z - take your pick I don't know what to call them (me) anymore, and this change of pace seems to work well for the attention deficient generation. Is it really going to make me tune in more often, well a good start would be to get some more anchors who fit the profile of a Canadian Jeanne Zelasko – but a little toned down, more pure, and with that girl next door/mistress on the town appeal.

Even with the many changes on SNC, it seems as though the producers still see fit to base the broadcast solely on hockey, which is my second grievance, and a more major one I have with Canadian sports telecasts in general. If I could get ESPN I would, so don't tell me to shut up and get the southern equivalent. Why we have to show the same highlights twice without getting to any other sport is beyond me. Is this honestly the only thing that everyone in Canada wants to see? Is it what GTAers want to see? Where's the latest in the NBA? What's going on in the prep for this weekend’s NFL Divisional games? Where's the reaction on the following day to the terrible loss in the BSC Championship by THE Ohio St. University? We need to move from a single sport mentality and expand our horizons. Don't cut hockey completely out, but when the local basketball team is playing against their forgotten son, it would be nice to see the highlights of the game. It wasn't like I didn't watch the game, I take every chance I can to root for my Raps and jeer VC. If you missed it here’s a quick rundown. Vince was hot and got the Nets off to a great start. Then went down and cried on a very suspect play, sat on the bench and looked like he was on this death bed and conveniently passed the leadership duties onto JKidd, who lead the team to a win. Ahh, it's nice to know that in a world where everything seems to be changing, some things will always be the same.
Supposedly there will be more insider segments with various industry experts from across the 4 major professional sports. Tonight, Ken Rosenthal was on and the topic of discussion was none other than the infamous; Mark McGwire. Ken was surprised by the total number of votes Big Mac received, he thought the 24% of the vote he got was low. To be honest, this number seemed bang on. When a group of people superficially builds a persona around themselves, dictating to the public that they are mortality police and the protectors of the great American game (we'll get into that below), you can only imagine that these same people will express the fact that they will not be voting for the villain publicly, as it brings publicity to themselves and their affiliates. The BBWAA did so in a resounding voice prior to the release of the official results. That’s why his low support total wasn’t a surprise.
It's funny, because as this whole soap opera has played out, it seems more and more like the BBWAA have taken the McGwire issue personally. It's as though Big Mac was once the perfect

Currently though, the consensus throughout the group of writers who vote for the Hall seems to be the same; I can't vote him in and sleep with myself at night. This is a hard pill to swallow. Look back during the late 90's, when the Monster himself helped ease the stress of coming up with new and intriguing storylines and feature profiles for the daily sports articles. As he clubbed his way to history and helped salvage a sport that had been put on the back burner permanently by Sports Nation, he also helped make these very same writers who they are today. McGwire made life easy for people, but we forget this. He made it fun to watch the game again. He brought life back to America. After all this though, he's still an evil man, never to be allowed access to the most hallowed baseball museum in the world. Let me remind you, McGwire has never been arrested, never beat his wife, and I would doubt if he's even stolen a 5 cent Double-Bubble from the corner store. Regardless, as the clock ticks now, I think his only shot at getting into the Hall is if the current group of baseball writers has a terrible arthritic pandemic at a short story convention in a sunny tropical resort, and the new group of gen-XYZ journalists come in, and with our jaded and corrupt views, show the ability to look past the fact that he used legal substances and saved a sport. Here's hoping Big Mac, although I doubt your remaining 14 years of eligibility will be any different, but we can always hope.
While on the topic of steroid use, why is it that the sports world, and by this I am mainly referring to middle class America, so caught up in the McGwire debate but, can turn a blind eye to the daily occurrences in America's new National pastime; football. It got to the point during

All in all though, the new Sportsnet Conneted theme seems like it should work. It's new-aged, modern, sleek design will appeal to the new generation of sports fans. They have kept the things in an order which is easy to follow and has a nice flow, and with a few minor adjustments to the programming, should be looking at a major step in the right direction. It's refreshing to see change. Change can be a good thing. Now let's try to pass on this knowledge to our writer friends who have a vote in next years Hall of Fame class, because McGwire deserves to be remembered, he did too much for us to forget him.
- JW
First off, not a fan of SNC. You like Mike Toth? He thinks fighting has no place in hockey. Enough said. He sits behind that desk lurking forward with an Ace Ventura/Paul Bernardo look on his face, I can't even fathom how you could possibly prefer watching SNC over The Score or TSN. I'm surprised to say the least.
Secondly, I 100% disagree with you when you say Big Mac should get in. You mention that he shouldn't be classifed as being evil because he hasn't beaten his wife. Well that's something people shouldn't be doing in the first place, so praising him for not pulling a Brett Myers shouldn't even be mentioned. "I'm not here to talk about the past". Get your tail out from between your legs Mark. Be a man, admit it. If he came out and said he took them and they were legal, his % of votes would have been up. After seeing Rafael Palmeiro point his finger at a judge, to then find out a couple months later he was found guilty...no wonder Mark didn't get in. I hope he never gets in. I don't care if he helped change the game, he's a cheater and if someone were to do something at their job unethical...you can bet your ass they would be fired. He played a game...he took advantage of the opportunity he was given and now will pay for it...by not being part of the greatest honor any professional athlete can have, the hall of fame. Ken Rosenthal, you're a good guy...and I hope you never vote that JuicePig in.
I never said that I prefer SNC over either The Score or Sports Centre, I just merely pointed out the fact that Sportsnet was moving in the right direction. If anything, SNC will be the last sports news telecast I'll tune in to see. Mike Toth is a joker though, I don't tune in to listen to the opinions of the hosts, they're just delivering the news, and Toth does so in a comical fashion.
In regards to Big Mac, again, I'm not praising him for not beating his wife, I'm simply stating facts that he's a model US citizen. You can't tell me that every single writer who votes for the Hall is clean of wrong-doing. At one point or another they have taken free tickets from a team or player, they have altered comments to fit a story or drive home a fact, and in the past they have voted "cheats" into the Hall - Cobb, Paige, Coffax to name a few.
What McGwire did was fine at the time. No one had a problem when he and Sosa were captivating a nation and revitalizing a sport. Baseball is a game built on cheating (scuffing balls, juicing balls, corking bats, sharpening spikes, doctoring balls, and using every known medical substance within regulation, to make themselves better).
McGwire isn't a public speaker and should probably fire whoever covers his PR b/c to let him enter the transgressional hearings without a game plan was foolish. But at least he didn't lie like Palmeiro and point his finger. He simply let the past stay where it belongs. I just have a big problem with the writers association and their stance that back in the 90s they didn't have a problem with it b/c he was helping to sell papers and magazines. Now though, he's the anti-Christ b/c we can't enshrine him with drunks and bigots in the most prestigious old boys club in the nation. It's a cop out and I'm not buying it. And remember, he didn't do anything illegal; steroids only became banned in baseball over the past few years, when he's been retired, so honestly, what has he done wrong??
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